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Managing Partner 
New York

Ira T. Kay

Ira T. Kay, a Managing Partner/Founder at Pay Governance, is one of the nation's foremost experts on executive compensation.


Ira T.

Ira T. Kay, a Managing Partner/Founder at Pay Governance, is one of the nation's foremost experts on executive compensation. He works closely with the boards and management to help them develop executive compensation programs that Balance the Tension in increasing shareholder value in the current regulatory environment. His clients include premier US and global corporations ranging across various industries, including  financial services, retail, technology, health care, mining and manufacturing, consulting, insurance, banking, business services, engineering, consumer products, media, food, transportation, among others.


Ira holds a B.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Ph.D. In economics from Wayne State University.

Previous experience

Prior to becoming a Managing Partner at Pay Governance, Ira served as the global director of Watson Wyatt's [now Willis Towers Watson] Executive Compensation practice for 16 years.

Additional Information

Ira writes and speaks regularly on executive compensation issues. He has authored or edited several prominent books on executive compensation and governance. His most recent co-edited book was written with the partners of pay governance: “Balancing the Tension: Current Topics in Executive Compensation”. Ira is considered an expert on the relationship of CEO pay and performance and has conducted and published original research on pay for performance, say on pay votes, the CEO pay ratio and other important topics. He is often quoted in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Agenda, The Economist, and other leading Board level publications. His articles have been published in numerous important business and governance publications.

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Ira T.